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For over 15 years, Performance Strategies has been empowering managers, CEOs, and entrepreneurs to foster their professional growth and transform their businesses, through the thinking of the brightest minds on the planet.
We provide ideas, insights, and impactful strategies in all the essential areas that are crucial for personal and business growth: leadership, innovation, strategy, marketing, sales, and communication. Our unique approach comes from the comparison between experiences and knowledge, science and business, sport and management, culture and current issues.
In a world characterized by information overload, we specialize in creating large-scale, live, and online training and management events, designed around the most relevant topics of the moment, or organized upon specific requests from companies. In both cases, we create transformative experiences in which people and companies are both spectators and protagonists, in a model that fosters new relationships and new business5
Beth Fisher-Yoshida
Director of the Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Program at Columbia University
Patrick Renvoisé
Co-Founder and Chief Neuromarketing Officer of SalesBrain,
the world's first neuroselling agency
Joe Pulizzi
Pioneer of content marketing,
he was the first to define the concept in 2001
Neil Patel
The most influential
digital marketer in the world
Former CEO of the world's largest leadership consulting firm
Daniel Goleman
Leading authority in the field of
emotional intelligence
One of the world's leading
pitching expert
Wharton School lecturer and author of the bestseller Contagious
Lecturer in Cognitive Science
at Harvard University
at Harvard Business School
World's leading expert
on Growth Hacking
sales trainer and author of the
bestseller Selling to Big Companies
World's foremost authority
on Persuasion
World marketing revelation
and media strategist
Farci carico della nostra impronta climatica e scegliere di rendere tutti gli eventi non impattanti sul clima è una priorità nel nostro sistema di valori. È per questo che nel 2022 bilanceremo le emissioni di gas serra generate con emissioni riassorbite.
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Galleria del Commercio, 6 – 62100 Macerata (MC)
Roi Group Srl – Social Capital € 100.000 i.v. – VAT and Fiscal No. 01999300443 | REA MC-180904
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